The presentations on the History channel documentary “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” (SWR) makes the “imagination wander”. Want another flight of fantasy? Here’s one.
Although we perceive (locally) that the earth around us is at rest, zooming out from our viewpoint shows that this is only an illusion. The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. The sun is also moving through the galaxy dragging the Earth along with it. The Milky Way is also on the move within the local cluster etc. In order for a portal/wormhole/Krasnikov tube etc to remain in place at SWR (or other similar locations), its 3+1 spacetime coordinates must be known. This seems to indicate that the terminus of such a structure would need to be “anchored” at a specific location. There are conjectures that state that an immobilized Alcubierre Warp Drive (AWD) may be used as this “anchor”. This is a rather complicated proposition.
One unproven theory says that a SUB-luminal AWD can be sent on a mission operated by an AI. This scenario would not require life support and it would not matter how long the voyage would take. Even at subluminal velocities the AWD would operate within a “bubble” of isolated spacetime. During the trip, the bubble “stretches” the surrounding “normal” spacetime producing something remotely analogous to a wake in spacetime. This “wake” creates a “tube” in “normal” spacetime as it move along a freefall geodesic. This “tube” however is only an illusion. It is basically a 2D structure at each terminus with no actual distance between them. In current AWD theory, massive amounts of negative energy (a speculative concept itself) are needed to keep the tube open. Other equally speculative solutions to this conundrum involve: employing the energy of the quantum vacuum through various means such as Schwinger Pair Production by strong electric fields; the Unruh Effect due to acceleration and even using Hawking Radiation for separation of virtual pairs in a strong gravity field have been proposed as ways to keep the “tube” intact.
When the AI-powered AWD arrives at its destination it is secured to a physical location, perhaps by burying it within suitable geologic media. When this immobilized AWD is activated it projects a distorted Doppler shifted gravity field (blue shift in front, red shifted behind) which reconnects to the 2D Krasnikov terminus and “opens” the “portal” to traffic by other AWD craft operating SUPERluminally within the preexisting “tube”. This is sometime referred to as a “superluminal highway”.
The team at SWR has stated that they seem to be interacting with some sort of non-human intelligence (NHI). Is this NHI they are interacting with actually an AI associated with the AWD buried in the mesa?
The Krasnikov conjecture using a single tube can theoretically avoid causation problems. A craft which arrived via the “superluminal highway” and returned through the same tube would result in arriving at the original departure point at the same time that the craft originally left. On the other hand, two parallel tubes (one to and one from a remote destination) could be used as a form of time machine.
IF (and this is a BIG if) there is an AWD anchored within the mesa at SWR, activating it may produce a non-moving warp bubble which connects to the “face” of the 2D Krasnikov tube above the “Triangle” opening it to allow vehicle passage. This warp bubble would not be isotropic but rather be aimed directionally towards the 2D “portal”. This distortion of spacetime would have localized effects such as disruption of GPS, LiDAR etc. in the path of the directed warp bubble. These focused disruptions (think of it as a gravity “beam”) may manifest themselves in displacement of LiDAR data as Pete Kelsey discovered a few seasons ago above the mesa or in the other anomalous localized observations such the “spires” spotted in the point cloud data or the circular LiDAR anomaly detected by OmniTeq in an episode from last season. The gravity field generated would have both near and far field components similar to that of an electric field. The near field would be used in warp drives as theorized by Dr. Jack Sarfatti while the far field would result in gravity waves that could be focused as “tractor beams” and “pressor beams” as proposed by Dr. Matt Visser of New Zealand and perhaps activate the “portal” above the Triangle.
During a lateral drilling exercise at SWR in season 2 of the program, metallic flakes were recovered from the drill spoils. These were analyzed and found to contain elements such as tellurium, europium, zinc, magnesium and iron. The layering of these elements and its ceramic-like quality suggests that the material was manufactured and not natural. This would imply the flakes to be a “metamaterial”. Perhaps it is only a coincidence but Dr. Sarfatti’s warp drive metric proposes using metamaterials in such a way that gravity (spacetime curvature i.e. “G_munu” in the EFE) can be manipulated by pumping it with an external EM field.
When UAPs are observed at SWR a 1.6 GHz signal is often detected. Is this signal used to cause the stationary AWD AI to connect with and open the “tube” for transport? Could this frequency be the result of the activation of the AWD? It was noted during one episode that the 1.6 GHz signal is directional which might suggest it is used as some form of communication.
Please note that this train of thought is purely a speculation in an attempt to connect some of the dots between the experimental results as relayed on the History Channel program and some cutting (bleeding?) edge ideas floating around in the physics community. I am not advocating that these are correct. Rather I present these ideas as a way to stimulate alternative theories about the nature of the anomalies found at SWR and elsewhere.